Building better habits: How my porch taught me to prioritise self-care

Leszek Stelmachowski
1 min readMar 9, 2023

My wooden porch is severely damaged and rotten.

The previous owners didn’t act soon enough despite the visible paint chips and imperfections.

The extent of the damage was not immediately visible, and over the years, the wood has become soft and flaky.

Now you can pierce it with a finger poke.

Fixing it will require significant time and effort, and there is no guarantee that it can be fully restored.

Such a waste.

It would only take 15 min of maintenance every year, and the porch would be as new.

This situation reminds me of how some people treat their bodies.

Just as the previous owners neglected the porch, some people neglect their bodies by not providing proper nutrition, daily training, and care.

And while the body will initially fight to remain functional, it will not take long and eventually deteriorate, much like my porch has crumbled.

Ask any DIYer or personal trainer, and they will tell you it’s much easier to maintain than build.


Go for a walk.

Lift weights.

Eat something healthy.


Be nice to others.

Dream, plan, execute.



Leszek Stelmachowski

I help 35+ get fit & strong. Say goodbye to limitations and hello to a healthier, more energetic you.